speed, carry issues
QUESTION: My wife is a pure stroker. Low revs, low ball speed. Her speed has become an issue. She only really throws about 13mph consistently. She can get a good 45 degrees of axis rotation, but really speed seems to be an issue as she is coming in brooklyn much of the time. she switches equipment from the midnight vibe to the backlash if the lanes start drying up. biggest issue is now it seems she is coming in light all the time. Adjustments are frustrating her and not sure what she should try at this point. Can you give me some adjustments she can try, I know about raising the ball higher but that affects her timing a bit and she gets out of sync. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Right now she is averaging 150 in our league. She has great form but to me her speed is a little too low and she cant seem to find a good system for making moves either in or outward.
thanks for any help you can provide.
ANSWER: Michael,
Timing is very important, but in players with slower speed, I find they can use help with their fits. She's trying hard to be consistent, and if her swing was free she could generate more speed more easily. Hand size, finger size and perceived grip strength deficiencies usually lead to working to hard to hold and control the ball. She's created a swing she can control, but add a little or take a little away and the muscle control she needs is pulling or pushing the ball offline.
Today's modern lane conditions favor faster ball speed. Seniors, women and kids struggle with too much or too little ball reaction. Strong equipment, (and at 13mph a Vibe is strong,) creates too little mistake room at lower ball speed. Her strong axis rotation also makes for more violent ball reaction. How much tilt does she have? If she can reduce the rotation, an end over end roll will hook earlier (she can stay in the oil) but hook less overall (tighter inside lines should carry better for her speed, what weight ball does she roll?).
Thanks for the questions. Please let me know more.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i showed my wife your response. She bowls with 14lb, she preferred that over 13lb vibe she had before. Feels she has more control with the 14 actually and not as much deflection. She has medium axis tilt, don't have a degree specifically. But for clarification, you are saying for her to move more inside, and come up the back of the ball with less side rotation. The ball will hook earlier but due to the oil, will stay a bit longer, and since it has less hook overall should give her a tighter line to the pocket right? She doesnt have much hand so playing inside is definitely something she doesnt see as her "A" game. I was thinking a wrist device might help as well because at times her wrist will break back in the downswing on about game three and this causes a lack of accuracy and revs for her.
A move in should not be huge, but getting less axis rotation will get the ball rolling earlier, but heavy and closer to the pocket (no swing) should help with carry. The layout and surface should reflect the move. Strong layouts are not what you want, close pins and an early rolling orientation will help with continuation and help the 14 carry better.
The consistent wrist would be helpful.
Let me know what layouts she's using and where she's comfortable now. Thanks.
How to stop breaking the wrist
Bowling ball types