ball layouts - drilling
I'm a newbie in bowling. Been playing for couple of years no and planning to take it to the next level. I was planning to get a "new" ball...i was wondering if you can provide me with a quick explanation about ball layouts. like what does it mean to have a ball with an early roll setup? or what does long skid means? which breaks more or harder or hooks more?
any assistance is greatly appreaciated.
Before any bowler can use a layout to significant help them, they must be consistent. If you are a newbie, layouts should not be a concern until you can roll a ball consistently about the same speed (within a half of a mile an hour) and you can hook a plastic ball.
That being said the quickie on your interest: early rolling layouts usually benefit the faster ball speed player or someone rolling on heavier volumes (or longer patterns) of oil. Long skid (I assume would mean weaker layouts) is for slower players or drier lanes.
Bowlers cause hook and skid. Balls provide hook and skid. Layouts are less than 10% of the effect of a rolled ball. So when you get the 90% down start to think about layouts. Thanks for the question.
bowling ball for a 3yr old
balance hole