Bowling with ring finger, pinky, and thumb
I started bowling with my ring finger, pinky and thumb due to tendonitis in my middle finger. When I bowl this way I get a pain on both sides of the wrist. I bought a Master Wrister and that seems to help alot for the side closest to the pinky but I still get this pain that starts at the base of thumb and down through the wrist. This pain started when I bought a heavier ball (14.6lb). I had used a very light ball (12)lb before with the same layout just to get use to bowling that way but now switching to the heaver ball has caused some issues but at least I can hit my mark with it where the light ball was like throwing a baseball down the lane. It is fingertip grip and when I put my thumb in first and than fingers I don't get that pain but I want to be able to do the correct way and put fingers in first and than thumb without the pain. I throw a hook if that helps any. Just trying to finger out what I need to have done or need to do differently to get this to work.
A well fit ball just hangs in your hand with little or no grip pressure. Your new grip would create some angles that are unique. I'd expect that discomfort is the result of less than optimum fit, so you might need a little more work on getting the fit to be the best it can be.
When you added support, it felt better. So I'd suspect that the pain may be the result of the new ball/fit, but I'd strongly recommend you consult a doctor about it immediately.
ring finger drilled higher than middle finger
Going pro