Thumbless Bowler need help with drilling advice.
I have previously been a duck pin and candle pin bowler, however I am not comfortable bowling with my thumb in a hole. I have been averaging about 165 on a friends ball, but i bowl with much higher revs than he does. ( i would say medium to high). His ball is drilled with the pin just below and to the left of the ring finger (right handed). Is there a "typical" drilling pattern that would fit a high rev medium speed bowler such as myself? I have been typically aligning myself on the far left board, my ball will go almost all the way to the 2nd arrow, and then hook drastically when it hits the dry (on the house oil it's about the last 10ft.) and hit the pocket consistently (unless i goof of course). Will the pro shop be able to help figure out where the ball should be drilled, or should i recommend a typical layout? Also, do i need to have a thumb hole, or should i instead think of dropping the 3rd hole?
I would suggest you to have the thumb hole drilled, for two reasons. One, it is hard to drill a ball and keep it legal without drilling the thumb hole. The second reason is that you may want to use the thumb hole to shoot spares.
The pro shop will be able to help you determine the best layout. It all depends on how your ball tracks.
Good luck,
Bowling ball suggestions
ball track