age and value of a bowling ball,undrilled
QUESTION: Ihave a Manhattan Rubber bowling ball undrilled , #HL4081.Can you tell me how old and the value.
Thank you,
Your rubber ball is very old, no one has made rubber bowling balls in decades. The reason they stopped making them is the bowling environment changed. More oil, very flat slicker synthetic lanes instead of wood, and rubber balls, they don't do very much, hence not much value.
You didn't mention what weight the ball was?
A bowler might use the ball for VERY dry lanes, or as a spare ball. Thanks for your question.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The ball weighs 16 lbs. perfect condition do you know the value to a collector.
I don't know anyone that collects undrilled rubber bowling balls.
Post a Best Offer ad at your local center/pro shop. You might get someone nostalgic, to make an offer. I will post to an industry forum and let you know if I get any response.
Thanks for the follow up.