In looking for a new ball one supplier has a ball with the pin,cg, & mb all in line? What does this mean and is it good or a bad thing? And what should one look for in regards to these positions?
Having Pin, CG and Mass Bias locator pin in line is the intention when high performance balls are built. Some don't always come out that way because of anomalies in manufacture.
The Center of Gravity might be off (line) in some balls. Potentially requiring a weight hole to satisfy static weight requirements. A weight hole can provide an additional option in ball performance. So, if a specific reaction is sought, having cg off-line will create the imbalance desired when a ball is drilled which requires a weight hole. Drilling a weight hole returns the ball to the required static balance and impacts the core to create the desired reaction.
Thanks for the question good luck with your new ball.
ball drillings
age and value of a bowling ball,undrilled