slingshot ball, skid,breaks slow,thumb hole to large,plugged and redrilled, drilled hole into core
slingshot,11 lbs,doesn't hook,skids,breaks late. was drilled,thumb hole too large,plugged with solid plug{glued in}and re-drilled. What is wrong? What can I do to adjust?
The surface of your Brunswick Slingshot is very smooth. Have the driller use a mild grit of Siaair (a sanding pad) to remove the shine. Have them use 2000 grit to get the shine off. This should help get the ball to slow down sooner and mitigate some of the overreaction you're seeing downlane.
If 2000 is to much have them reapply polish, if too little, try 1000 grit or rougher. I would suspect you don't throw very hard, so the way the ball is finished will be crucial to your success.
Ultimately, by creating a rougher cover, you will see the ball roll sooner. But, reapplying polish should also allow the ball to break downlane and not loose too much energy at the pins. So once the underlying material is rougher, polish will help the ball read the lane at the appropriate place on the lane.
Thanks for the question. Let me know how you do.
thumb slug
Value of an undrilled AMF Dynamite ball from the 70s or 80s