QuestionWhen a bowler delivers a ball in back of the foul line and the ball registers a foul when crossing the line is that considered a foul
Greetings Tony!
Tony, it is not a foul. If the foul light goes off, most bowlers will immediately contact the other team captain and let them know that this is happening.
They will watch for a re-occurrence, or simply contact the control desk and have the foul lights reported, and turned off for the remainder of league play.
In bowling, a foul is committed if part of the bowler's body goes over the foul line. The ball is not part of the bowler's body and once it leaves the bowlers hand, it is in play. This is whether the ball lands in front of the foul line, or after the foul line.
If the foul light goes off, this needs to be investigated. If the player did not cross the line, the score should be corrected without delay, and the player rewarded for pins knocked down.
This is a link to the USBC Site:
Please see: USBC RULE 5: Page 13, Section 5a/4. Frequently Asked Questions - 2012-2013.
5a/4 --- Is a foul called when the ball rolls over the foul line during delivery and the foul detector is activated?
ANSWER: The bowling ball is not considered a part of the bowler抯 body. If the bowler did not step on or go beyond the foul line, a foul is not recorded.
Thanks for your question Tony! -Coach
Las Vegas, NV. (It's a great bowling book!)