Backspin on basic jump shot
Dear Mark:
Hi, I've put off playing basketball for a long time and have concentrated on other sports and activities like golf, tennis and volleyball. Two years ago I had some time on my hands since I was finishing school and decided to seriously put some time into learning the game. I had a friend teach me the fundamentals and am still learning as we speak. There's just one thing that is frustrating me and that is when I shoot the ball freely either off the dribble or in a catch-and-shoot situation, my ball doesn't have as much backspin if any at all. However when I'm at the freethrow line, my ball spins in my opinion perfectly and I have no problems shooting 8-9 out of 10 shots. Is there something wrong with my stroke or is it simply a mentality issue? I've tried different things like placing the ball more on my fingertips and/or using my legs so I won't have to use my arm strength as much, but I don't get consistent results. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Hello Andy Ju!
The problem is that when you shoot a jumper on the move, you're concentarting on all the other intangibles like jumping, where the D is, moving in air, etc. The basic jump shot is just like a free throw except you release at the pinnacle of the jump. So the release should be at the peak of elevation with the same backspin off the fingertips. It just means more reps and practice. There's no simple solution to your dilemma(if it's a dilemma), than just practice more. The results should be the final determination. I wouldn't fret and worry over the backspin. Just try and let go at the peak and flip the wrist.
I hope this helps,
Mark Berrier
I am an assistant coach of...
Teaching Curriculum at the Pre-highschool level