being a better player and trying to make a dream a reality
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hi i am 5 foot 8 inches tall and im 15 years old and over the summer i wanted to get better at basketball i did get better but in games i got worse and i didint know the fundementals on shooting so please tell me how to shoot the ball and give me some drills and next year i want to try out for varsity and im willing to work hard at any cost and please send some pics of rip hamilton of the detriot pistons shooting the basketball it would mean alot
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Hi Alaa,
At the bottom of this I am including a link that goes over the fundamentals of shooting. After going over it and learning the fundamentals you need to practice them every day. Then work with a your father, brother, cousin, friend, or coach and practice game like shots. The reason for this is anybody can make 20 shots in a row without any defense or having to cut to get open. It's when you have a hand in your face or have to come around a pick to be able to shoot is when it gets hard.
Go to shooting drills after you go to the site above...It is on the left of the page...
I don't have any pictures of RIP right now...I will look for some and if I find them I will send to you....Good luck!
i heard you know how the college basketball players train like maybe you can give some of those drills i dont care how hard it is im willing to work for it
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The website I sent you has some good drills that can be used for any level. I would start with those first....I will see what I can find on the internet for you, as the drills would be to hard to explain in writing...Good luck and keep practicing....
Lets say its snowing or raining outside and i want to train at home what could i do to get better eaven in my house.
If it is snowing or raining and you dont have access to a court you can work on dribbling drills in your garage, basement, or some place where it is okay to dribble the ball. You can work on foot work for shooting and defense. You can work on strength and conditioning. Left weights, jump rope, etc....Make sure this is alright with your parents. Good luck and keep up the hard work!
Breaking the Press
making my child more aggressive in bball