Devloping my skills in basketball
Hi, I am a gurl and I am 14 years old in the 8th grade and I need help. I am the only gurl dat play basketball with boys at my school and yet develop the skills as some of the gurl on the basketball team, Basketball is my favorite, favorite sport. I MEAN I PLAY IT EVERY DAY AND ALL DAY, monday-sunday, freezing cold or not. I know playing with the boys will help me become more agresstive, they are the only people I play with at the court... Well, now I want to learn how to jump higher, dribble better, and shoot better while under pessure, since I am a point guard. I need warm-up and exerise to help me stay in shape and become stronger in my legs and arms. Can you please help become a better point guard than I have been during the last past years becuase watever I doing is not helping at all. So could you please help me .......I need you help bad, becuase I want to become the best or one of the best players in my disrict. I will be high school next year and want to be all ready in shape in body and in skills.........Help I only have this summer to improve myself.....Please write back as soon as possible. Also I need help in deffensive becuase I think I'll becoming lazy....
Hi Daci,
What you are asking for is all good stuff but hard to teach in an email. I will do my best to help but I will need a couple of days to put something together for you.
To start you can jump rope to stay in shape. This helps with your stanima and strengthing your legs and arms.
I will write back in a couple of days.
The mental game...