How to add strength to my basketball game?
Hi Michael,
I've always played basketball all my life and am a shooting
guard. As of lately, I have been playing against tougher
competitors, and I try to drive in the lane, but I notice that I'm a
bit more weaker than them. I have watched Michael Jordan and
Kobe Bryant interviews and they all say that they have began to
incorporate weight/strength training into their regiments. I was
wondering what would be some good weight and strength
traning exercises in order to help me get stronger? I want to
have a Kobe-like frame (here's a photo of him... http://
9947.jpg?pho1JOEBCF8cFfGc ) and was wondering how often
would I work out in order to maintain my basketball skill? (I
notice when I weight train too much, I lose some shooting
ability). Any help would be great Michael and thanks so much!
Hi Pete,
Like anything in life you need balance.....I think if you worked out with weights Mon, Wed, and Fri that would be plenty to acheive your goals. I just saw a report on Kobe's weight program and he is bascially back to the old school weight routine of lifting weights. He does bench press, curls, dead lifts, lats, tricep exercises, and squats. I would make sure to do something aerobic after lifting weights such as jumping rope, shooting, or jogging to keep yourself loose. You mentioned loosing your shooting touch after lifting. I would strecth after lifting and then shoot a 100 shots. Start out close to the basket and work on your form moving back after every 10 shots and keep focusing on your form. Here is a weight program that looks basic but will get the job done. Talk to your parents or coach before starting a workout routine. See what they think as they probablly have some good advice for you. Good luck and keep up the hard work!
streetball and basketall maintenance