post defense
I have a 13 year old girl who I am trying to give a better understanding of defensive positioning in the post position. In the low post, it would seem better to show her the denial position up high and at the baseline with a crossover step in front of her player. Whenever she fronts, she gets played with a lob. When she plays back, they tend to feed the post and has a difficult time defending. defending in the high post would seem to be the same. She also questions if a guard in the corner drives to the baseline what she is supposed to do when she is defending her post player. Would she form a trap with her teammate and risk a pass to her other player? When the post picks high for the point guard, what is the best strategy for her? are there good web sites to explain post defense strategies?
with post defense when the guard is driving block out and when a shot goes up do the shot-box u box out your defender she has to be tough push back with her rear and to from a trap just get two of her teammate to help her and get the ball any way possible with out touching the opponent
and put hands in her the opposing guard team
wanting to become an nba scout
Skills,(Since I have been benched)