I am really good at basketball layups. I can do them properly on each side... during practice. When a game comes I seem to have trouble. Alyways ending up stopping and just shot instead, because I seem to hit it to hard on the backbored. How can I cantrol that?
Hello Courtney
When this happens it's often because we second-guess ourselves - mostly through negative self-talk - which erodes our self-confidence. Even though we do great in practice, in games our self-talk usually goes something like this: "Don't hit the backboard too hard!"
Unfortunately, that puts clearly into our head what we want to avoid the most. Our inner mind tends to filter out the "don't" part - so the instructions we are giving ourselves are: "Hit the backboard too hard!" Then we either do it, or stop short to avoid doing it.
What I'd suggest for you is to create a specific phrase that becomes your self-talk doing layups. Something simple that reflects EXACTLY what you want - like: "Smooth layup in the basket." Whatever you come up with (positive and in the present tense only), say it to yourself EVERY time you make a successful layup in practice. Practice this a lot and it builds a great mind/body link of confidence and skill. Then, in games, before each layup say your phrase to yourself and you'll discover that the confidence of all those successes in practice flows through you. Confidence in your ability is what will make the difference and allow you to play your best during games.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.
David Kenward - The Mental Coach
Sacramento, California
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