correct form for hitting
My 10 year old grandson, Josh, is playing LL Baseball, his grandfather has taught him to hold his back elbow level with his shoulder and keep his bat back. One of his coaches is trying to get him to drop his back elbow down, saying that it's the "new way" and what he is doing is "old school". Josh is one of the best hitters on both of the teams he is playing on. Is this something we should be listening to?
Thanks for the question. Oh I wish I had a nickel for everytime I have heard this dilemma. A kid has dad or grandpa telling him one thing and a coach telling him another. The fact is: both answers are acceptable.
The back elbow can be up or down. You see it in great hitters either way. Truth is, the back elbow being up or down really has no impact on the swing. The key to a good swing is the path to the ball of the hands. A good hitter will keep his hands "inside the ball" and pull the knob of the bat on a downward path straight to the ball. The key is to hit "down on the ball" and make sure that there is no upper cut or casting of the hands which cause the hitter to swing "around the ball".
Many great hitters hold the back elbow up, many hold it down. It is really a matter of comfort. Again, the key is what I stated above. If he is hitting the ball well, I mean hitting hard line drives and not hitting the ball high in the air, then I say go with what works.
His coach may be trying to help create a better swing or correct a flaw he sees, so we cannot fault him yet. On the other hand, he may just think everyone should do things his way and that I don't agree with. I don't coach a "one size fits all" type of style. Everyone is different. There are certain checkpoints that every hitter has to achieve and meet, but there are certainly different ways to get to those points.
I hope this helps.
Coach Boss
Runner advancement