major league strike zones
i was playing ball yesterday and i notice how tight this umpire strike zone
i wasnt getting any calls in the outside corners or the ones that were at the hitters chest now my question is, is the strike zones for major league umpires that tight i mean if it wasnt right down the middle it was a ball
Hey Julian,
Unfortunately, all umpires have different strike zones and it might even change from batter to batter.. This is unfair in a lot of ways. You need to find out each umpires strike zone at the beginning of each game. The best way to do this is to shoot for the corners in the first inning. Start with the outside corners, then try the inside corner. Usually, if an umpire is watching over the catchers left shoulder, he will have a better look at that pitch that is directly pitched in front of him. Inside pitch on a right handed hitter if he is watching over the catchers left shoulder. Inside to a left handed hitter if he is watching over the catcher's right shoulder.
Next, see how low you can go and then how high you can go. Now you have figured out his strike zone. Hopefully you can figure this out in the first inning or two.
Bat size and Brand of bat