hands too far ahead of the bat barrel
QUESTION: Atlete is a junior and a 2nd basemen for the varsity high school baseball team. How can you get the barrel of the bat ahead of the hands?
It seems like his hands are always ahead of the barrel and they never catch up. Do you have any suggestions or instructions?? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
ANSWER: Well if I am correct in my understanding of what you are saying what it sounds like is your son is getting his hands inside the ball.This is not a bad thing.Now are you saying he is always late and hits the ball to right field?Hvae him work more one handed swings using his top hand.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: maybe what is going on is he is pulling his shoulder out first and it look like the bat is a long way behind, he hits on top of the baseball,a easy grounder to 1st or 2nd most of the time and he can't hit a out side pitch. your help is greatly appreciated. thank you
I would say try to set a tee on the outside corner and have him take some swings there.Also try a soft toss drill where you sit behind him or behind homeplate that is.He is facinfg the pitcher,and throw the ball through the outside corner underhand. He should try to keep his hands inside tthe ball and hit it to left field.If he pulls his front schoulder out he will not hit the ball the otherway.
Missing the fun of baseball
Please Help!!!!!!