catching drills
I'm an 11 year old girl playing AAU baseball and i really want to be the starting catcher for my team. it would be helpful if you gave me some drills i could do alone to improve my game.
Any drill that involves quick feet will help. A speed ladder is a great investment. The ladder drills will increase your footwork speed and release time behind the plate and will also increase running speed. Go on a flexibility program. Flexibility will improve range of motion, strength, and speed, as well as making you more comfortable in the catching position. I would say you are a little too young for weight training but when you get older you want to have a strong core and legs. Footwork behind the plate is very important so practice your release movements to second and third. you don't have to throw the ball everytime just get the proper footwork down and start working on quickness. Any movement that you do in a game can be translated into drills. Practice balls in the dirt. Block them with you hands behind your back so you get practice on being soft and giving the ball a good angle.
Besides drills catchers need to know hitters and pitchers. Get as much information as you can about proper pitching so you will be able to help your pitchers out and know what they should throw during certain situation. Knowing hitting is also important so you can recognize flaws and pitch to them.
Good luck and thank you for the question,
John Priest
Position in batters box