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Proper baserunning

When rounding first, after coming off the line to set up the turn, which foot should be place on the bag as the runner heads for second base?  Is it the same foot as he rounds second, and third?  Thank you!

Jeff:  Thank you for your question.

The foot is the same for all three bases, your right foot on the inside corner of the base.

For younger players, just starting out, don't worry which foot you hit it with, as long as you stay in stride.

If you go to my website, www.theoleballgame.com, click on Base Running, in the Baseball Instruction section.  Then click on the Home to First link, in the links at the bottom.

The section you are looking for is just below the picture of the dugout, entitled Aggressive Turn, Shuffle Back.

This section covers turns, as well as some time trial information, left vs. right foot, that we have done with our players.

Good luck to you!

Yours in baseball,


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