Calculating Fielding Percentage
In calculating player's fielding percentages, I am not sure how you are crediting with putouts and assists. If a play is to third and a throw made to first - is the putout credited to 3rd and an assist to 1st? What about a double play? a fly ball? an unassisted play - say a grounder to 1st?
Whoever actually makes the out is recorded the putout. Whoever is the last person to throw the ball to the person making the out gets the assist.
So, for the examples you mentioned:
Third to First: 3rd baseman gets an assist, first baseman gets a putout
Double Play, Short to 2nd to 1st: Shortstop gets an assist, second baseman gets a putout and an assist, first baseman gets a putout
Fly ball: No assist is awarded - putout to the guy catching the ball
Ground ball to first baseman who tags first: First baseman gets a putout, no assist is awarded.
By the way, if a pitcher strikes someone out, the catcher gets awarded a putout - no assist on the play.
Hope this helps!
Out of Play Situations
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