When Is It A Forfeit
My grandson plays on a 15 and under team. They were to play have a game last night, but the coach from the other team cancels and want to reschdule because he said he didn't have a hindcatcher. As far as I know he had enough players to play the game. Should that have been a forfeit?
Mary: Unless there are rules unique to this particular 15 and under league, a scheduled game would need to be played.
There should be a league board of directors who would rule on each individual situation.
If a team has enough players to field a team, the game should be played. If they do not have enough to play, and the circumstances do not warrant a reschedule as determined by the league officials, the game would be forfeited.
There would be no purpose to having a schedule if teams and coaches were able to reschedule just because they were missing their best player, or such similar reason.
Yours in baseball,
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Pitching Change/Coach