pitching from the stretch
Mr. Priest
In L/L Majors I believe that the player has progressed far enough that coaches/umpires need to begin correcting bad habits that if the player continues to move up will ultimately need to be dealt with.
Many pitchers throw from the stretch all of the time. One of the biggest issues that I currently see that coaches and umpires allow is the pitcher coming to the set position before the batter has stepping into the batter's box.
In our local league, the pitchers even receive the signs from the catcher prior to the batter entering the box.
I have two questions:
1. Is this considered an illegal or no-pitch?
2. How is the best way to begin helping coaches to understand this important step as they mold tomorrow's players?
I believe a pitcher can receive their sign and become set before the hitter is ready. The umpire cannot let the pitcher pitch until the hitter is in the batters box. So getting set too soon makes no sense to me. If they do pitch to soon the pitch will not count because the ball is not in play until the umpire says so.
Once pitchers understand the basics I usually have they pitch from the full wind up position. As long as they can do it effectively, have good mechanics, understand what they are doing, and have good balance. If the players don't get the correct mechanics when they are young they will have to get them when they are older. Most coaches don't have time to deal with a pitcher who has bad mechanics or balance in higher levels. I think, by the time you get to high school you should have your position. There are a limited number of players who can start pitching at this level and be effective with no previous experience. If a pitcher is still working on proper mechanics (basics) and balance when they get to high school in my opining its time to focus on your secondary position. Most importantly learn the correct way when you are your, make your mistakes early and you will benefit by the time you get to the upper levels of baseball.
Thank You,
John Priest
Catchers Error?
baseball team