RBI or no RBI?
There is an ongoing debate in a forum I frequent about whether or not the hitter is credited with an RBI in the following situation:
Bases loaded, no outs. The infielders are back at double-play depth. The batter hits a ground ball to the 2nd Baseman, who boots it for an error. The runner from 3rd base scores, and all other runners reach the next base safely. Is the hitter credited with an RBI or not?
The hitter does get an RBI. There are two specific cases the hitter won't get an RBI according to 10.04 (b) in the rulebook:
10.04 (b) The official scorer shall not credit a run batted in
(1) when the batter grounds into a force double play or a reverse-force double play; or
(2) when a fielder is charged with an error because the fielder muffs a throw at first base that would have completed a force double play.
As an official scorer, you can never assume the double play would be made unless (2) above is done. So since you can't assume the double play, you give the hitter the RBI. In fact, if the second baseman booted the ball, but recovered in time to retire one runner, then no error is charged at all (rule 10.12 (d) (4)) and the hitter would still get an RBI.
Hope this helps!
going back into the draft
Scared of ball