Force out rule
QUESTION: Is the batter out or safe if:
He hits a ground ball to 1st base, the 1st baseman dives away from base to field ball, drops it, picks it up with right bare hand then while sitting on ground, tags first base with empty glove on left hand just before runner gets to base.
ANSWER: Jason,
The batter is out. The phrase in the rule book is "A TAG is the action of a fielder in touching a base with his body while holding the ball securely and firmly in his hand or glove;"
So it definitely counts if he tags the base with any part of his body while holding the ball - either in his glove or his bare hand.
Hope this helps"
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: But according to your other expert the glove if empty is not part of the body.
See his opinion at this link
I read his answer, but I stick with my interpretation. The glove is an extension of the arm and holding the ball bare-handed and tagging the base with the glove seems to me to be within the spirit of the rules. Besides, it seems to me that any effort to hold the ball and reach your hat out to touch the base would take longer than just getting over there and tagging the base.
It is not addressed specifically in the rule book as far as I can find except in the phrase I quoted above.
Batting out of turn
Foul ball