Drills for better catchinf for 10 yr old
My grandson has been playing for 3 yrs and wants to be a better player,but often gets discouraged because he misses the grounders. Any suggesting? And a couple good tips on geting to be a better hitter.
Hi Angello,
Your grandson is lucky to have someone who cares about his progress.
Fielding grounders takes a few fundemental steps. Here I will list them and then you can reply for greater detail if needed.
1. Be prepared. Always expect that the ball will be hit in your direction. Keep your center of gravity low. Your "butt" should be even with or slightly above the knees. Your toes should be moving inside your shoes and you should not be "flat-footed". Your attention should be on the ball at all times.
2. See the ball leave the pitcher's hand and then see it hit the bat. Determine where the ball is going as quickly as possible.
3. Move to the ball as quickly as possible. Always keep your body moving at the correct path. If the ball is hit hard to one side, angle back to get to it. If hit softly, charge in hard. The sooner you get to the ball, the more time you will have to pick it up and make the throw.
4. Pick up the ball with care. See the ball actually enter the glove. Field the ball as far out in front of your body as you can and follow the ball into the glove with your throwing hand. The throwing hand then takes the ball out and you make the throw.
5. Use your throwing hand to "cover up " the ball so that your hand and the glove form an "alligator". This will keep the ball from coming up on you and hitting your face.
6. Remember: SLOW IS SMOOTH, SMOOTH IS FAST when fielding the grounder. The actuall act of getting the ball into the glove is done with concentration and deliberation.
7. Remember that errors are part of the game. You'll never improve if you spend too much time thinking about your mistakes. Always look forward to the next play.
Hope this helps.
Catchers fitness
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