I am 13 years old and my coach...
I am 13 years old and my coach keeps talking about a pitch out. I dont know what this is and i dont want to sound dumb, so i was wondering if you could inform me so the next time my catcher gives me the sign i wont panic.
Thanks for the question and I am sorry for the delay. My internet has been out.
The pitch out is what you throw when you suspect the runner at first or second is going to attempt a steal. If a right handed batter is up at bat, you will throw the ball about chest high and in the middle of the left hander side batter's box. The catcher will stand and move out and take the pitch in the left side box and then make a throw down to second.
As a pitcher, you want to get it to the spot for the catcher to catch it as quickly as possible. Throw without a high leg kick and an accurate, quick ball. It is a very important part of the game and you do have to practice it. Next time you are at practice, ask your coach or catcher if you can practice your pitchouts so that you get them down solid.
Good luck and play ball!!
Coach Boss
Calling a fly ball
Throwing motion