first baseman runs in foul territory to catch a ball, he doesnt catch the out but the ball touches his mit and hits the ground. the ump gave him an error. why is this considered an error and not a deadball. thanks
First off, it is not really up to an umpire to score an error. Sometimes umpires will give their opinion to the scorekeeper--sometimes after a confusing play, the scorekeeper will ask the ump what he should record in the book--but it is not the umpire's job. It would be the job of an official scorer, or, in most cases--the scorekeeper or coach who keeps the book on the bench.
Also, the fould ball should NOT be scored an error. An error is only given when a player reaches a base he would not have (had the ball been fielded cleanly.) It would be scored...a swinging STRIKE, like all foul balls are.
EXCEPTION: I would have to look this up, but I think when an outfielder intentionally drops a long, foul fly ball (to prevent a runner on third from tagging up, say,) then that might be scored differently...I'm not sure about that one.
Hope this helps.
Online LL help please
Outfield fly ball...fair or foul