fear of ball only by kid pitchers
My 9 year old has developed a fear of being hit over the past year. When he first started kid pitch, he was a good hitter, he was hit by the ball once. His problem is only with kid pitchers, not an adult. His first reaction is to make sure the ball will not hit him and then he tries to catch up with the pitch and swings too late. It's not exactly stepping out, it's more of leaning back on the heels. He hits great off the tee & soft toss. How can I help him correct this?
Not sure what the best method is of correcting someone's fear of the ball. My only thing would be practice and exposure. He has to train himself to not back up when the ball is thrown. It sounds pretty psychological since he isn't scared when an adult pitches.
You just have to have him stand in there and hit. Maybe it would help to recruit a neighbor (kid) to throw to him. He just has to see lots of pitches and train himself to not bail out of there.
Good luck!
Pitching & basic throwing
Injury Replacement during time at bat