Outfield Glove
I bought a Nike Keystone Series glove last year ($50 12.5"). I bought it because I needed a glove and this glove was cheap and broke in very fast. I bought it last April/May. Now, it is very broken in and to the point that the glove is very easy to close and very easy for a baseball hit hard to hit the fingers and if it is hit near the top of the fingers th glove fingers will bend back and sometimes come out of the glove. I only oiled 4-6 times since last April/May. My friend had the same problem with his glove, it lost the padding and was easy to be bent by the ball. He said it was from oiling his glove too much. Should my glove be replaced or is it supposed to catch the ball like that. If it should be replaced I found a glove that is $60. http://www.baseballsavings.com/customer/category/product.jsp?SUBCATEGORY_ID=2533 . Is that a good price fow that glove or should I find a higher quality glove?
Thanks, Ray
That is about what you are going to get out of a $60 glove. Unfortunately, the durability isn't there. They aren't bad glove, they just aren't for the long haul.
Check out Kelley gloves online. You can get a great glove that will last like a Rawlings or Wilson for about $130 or so.
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