Skydivers Lives Depend On Altimeters
Proper use of a good altimeter during skydiving is as essential to success as having the correct parachute.
Essential Equipment Of Skydiving
Listing the equipment that is absolutely necessary for the sport of skydiving should be easy. The skydiver needs a parachute, of course. Beyond that, it is essential that the individual have some sort of special outer clothing, such as the jump suit, to protect the body from the wind and cold at higher altitudes. Goggles are necessary to keep the eyes dry and clear. A helmet is probably a good idea, as a head covering and in the event of serious problems.
There are various styles and new designs for all of these equipment items. The desire among skydivers to have the best and latest keeps equipment companies in business. But in all this discussion, some newcomers to the sport may miss one critical item that will be with the experienced skydiver in some form.
One of the key factors in a successful jump is the correct deployment of the parachute. While many newcomers will not have to worry about this part of the process, the more advanced students and all instructors have altimeters to let them know where they are in relation to the earth. To paraphrase one comedian, this is good information to have.
What Is An Altimeter?
The most basic definition would include reference to an instrument that is active in that it measures altitude and the measurement changes as the person moves closer to or farther from a fixed point (the earth, in this case). That just about covers the importance of altimeters for skydivers. One common and much-used type of altimeter is the pressure or barometric altimeter. The device works because air pressure in the atmosphere decreases with altitude. The altimeter is designed to show this air pressure as a distance above sea level.
With this information in mind, why do skydivers use altimeters, exactly? Let the experts answer this question. To paraphrase, in free fall, the altitude above ground is key in deciding when to open a parachute at sufficient altitude to allow for jettisoning of the parachute. In case the main parachute does not open properly, the reserve chute must have enough altitude. In formation flying, when many people may be falling close to one another, it is important to know when to stop the free fall or formation so that all the skydivers have time to safely open their parachutes.
Enough said.
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