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Skydiving In Australia: Different Levels Of Accelerated Free Fall Training

2016/7/26 16:57:05

This article is for those who wish to become a qualified skydiver. It talks about how the different levels of Accelerated Free Fall training (AFF) can help you learn to skydive in Australia.
A five to seven hour ground school prepares you for your first AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) jump.

There are many of you who wish to take your tandem skydiving Australia experience much more farther than a one-time adventurous and thrilling experience. For those of you, who wish to experience the thrill and the excitement of skydiving in Australia, almost every single day of their lives, can learn to skydive in Australia by taking up the Accelerated free fall training courses which is the fastest way to become a licensed skydiver.
Accelerated free fall training Program usually consists of 9 levels of instructions. The training for the skydiving Australia starts with the Ground School. This ground school generally covers all the information that is required for you to make your first skydive in Australia including the remaining others. Here you will get all the information pertinent to your skydiving gears and equipment, the necessary body positions required for skydiving, the use of in air signals to communicate during free-fall and many other such relevant information.
Level 1
The level 1 of AFF courses for skydiving in Australia consists of jumping with two instructors. At this level, the major focus of the instructor is on teaching altitude awareness, the correct body position and the ability to deploy one's own parachute.
Level 2
While trying to learn skydiving in Australia, level 2 of AFF include jumping with two instructors with more concentration on the body position. However, this level introduces you to the new turns and the forward movements.
Level 3
Level 3 of AFF would be your first skydive in Australia experience where you would be for the first time released by both your instructors for free-fall.
Level 4
This would be your first skydive in Australia with only one instructor .You exit with your instructor. With the instructor still holding you, this level of free fall enables you to concentrate more on heading control and few small turns.
Level 5
At the this level of Accelerated Free Fall, you exit without your instructor though he stays right with you and help you with some 360 turns and forward movements.
Level 6
This level is almost similar to the level 5.
Level 7
This level of AFF of skydiving in Australia consists of back loops and tracking dive exit, wherein you learn to control horizontal movement at the speed. At this level, you basically learn to get stable from an unstable position.
Level 8
At this level of your skydiving Australia experience, you put everything that you have learnt so far together. You start with an amazing dive exit, followed by a fall rate control to the Instructor. You then go on to do 360 left and right turn which is then followed by a track and a pull.
Level 9
This is the final level of the free fall, where you are left on your own for the first time. Here you exit the aircraft and enjoy your first canopy ride after having deployed your main canopy.
The Accelerated Free fall Training for skydiving in Australia totally prepares you to jump on your own with complete safety and control. Most of the skydiving Australian clubs offer few consolidation jumps after the AFF courses so that become totally acquainted with the free fall and feel completely relaxed and at ease during free fall.

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