How deep do Penguins dive?
The depth that penguins dive to can vary greatly depending on the species. Some penguins, such as the emperor penguin, can dive to incredible depths. Emperor penguins can dive to depths of up to 1,850 feet (564 meters). Adelie penguins can reach depths of up to 1750 feet. Other penguins, such as the African penguin, typically dive to shallower depths, such as 100 feet (30 meters). Gentoo penguins can reach depths of up to 1500 feet. Some penguins, such as the little blue penguin, may only dive to depths of a few feet. King penguins can reach depths of up to 1000 feet. Chinstrap penguins can reach depths of up to 800 feet. Fiordland penguins can reach depths of up to 650 feet. Macaroni penguins can reach depths of up to 500 feet. Snares penguins can reach depths of up to 400 feet. Northern rockhopper penguins can reach depths of up to 300 feet. Southern rockhopper penguins can reach depths of up to 200 feet.
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