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A Dive Knife Is A Necessary Safety Equipment For A Diver

Scuba diving is an extremely popular underwater activity. It is done for commercial as well as research purposes. The underwater kingdom has always been a matter of curiosity for everyone. However we all know that human body is not meant to remain underwater for a long period of time. It causes harm to human body to a great extent. With the advent of scuba diving, human beings can go underwater and explore the fascinating marine world. But it is very important for the scuba diver to have proper scuba diving equipment before he takes a dive deep into the blue.

Scuba diving needs a diver to first of all, take proper training as well as the appropriate diving equipments in order to enjoy the diving experience and stay safe when exploring underwater. There is a scuba diving training program conducted prior to the diving activity. First of all, a diver should have a scuba mask. It basically prevents water from reaching the diver's eyes, nose and mouth by keeping it covered. Therefore the diver can see clearly underwater and also, oxygen is supplied to the diver via this mask. Divers carry scuba tanks on their backs which contain volumes of oxygen.

Another important part of scuba diving gear is a regulator. There are different types of regulators available and there are various regulating accessories to choose from and it all depends on the depth of diving you wish to explore. A regulator's main function is to supply the diver with breathing air when there is a low level of pressure. It also controls the flow of air whenever required. A scuba diver also requires to have a buoyancy compensator. This equipment basically like a vest that helps the diver to come up to the water surface whenever he wants to with ease. Scuba divers must also wear a wetsuit which acts as an insulator for the body preventing it from coming in direct contact with the water. The wetsuit is a very important part of the diving gear and therefore should be chosen with full care.

It is very important to keep in mind that the underwater creatures are not used to intrusion. They may not accept your presence around them very kindly. They are most likely to attack you and therefore it becomes extremely important for you to be able to protect yourself in such a situation. A diver should carry a dive knife with him because he doesn't know when he might need it. It plays a very important role in the safety of the diver. An underwater camera is very useful in capturing sights underwater. This will make your diving experience memorable and you will also be able to treasure the memories for a lifetime.

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