Volleyball is a team game, where players try to score points over their opponent by trying to land the ball in the other side of the court. As in every game, practice makes perfect. Here are some volleyball drills that might help you get better at this game.

A game of volleyball, in whatever form, is a good exercise. If you are new to the game, good drills may help you in learning effective techniques in a short time. If you are an old timer, then beginner level drills can help in shaping up or replacing bad techniques with the good ones.
Toss and Pass
To practice these training exercises you will need a buddy, who is willing and interested to play with you. These simple workouts will go a long way to help build your self-confidence. You start off by tossing a ball to your buddy. After dealing with a preset number (10 per head, maybe) of tosses, your buddy tosses the ball to you. When both of you are proficient in passing the tossed ball, it is time to pass the ball back and forth. This will make the training fast, interesting, and competitive.
Wall Hitting
You can practice, even when you are alone. What you need is a ball, a wall, and willingness to apply your skills. Choose a spot on the wall to hit and try to hit the spot when tossing the ball. Instead of many hasty trials, concentrate on achieving accuracy by employing proper arm swing techniques, whilst hitting the tossed ball.
This is how you do it: Toss the ball, take a step and try to hit the spot on the wall. Deal yourself a set of 10 tosses and the next set for your buddy, just for the sake of competition. You can vary your style by tossing the ball, raising your arms, and angling the ball to hit the ground. Be prepared to play your next shot, when the ball bounces off the ground and comes seeking you.
Wall Block
Blocking is as important as hitting the ball. Therefore, learning the block is of utmost importance. Position yourself in front of a wall. Adopt the proper blocking position and jump as high as you can to touch the wall. The purpose is to touch the wall, i.e., to imitate you have executed a block, as high as you can, whilst following the proper blocking technique. It is important to land on the floor in the proper position, so that you are ready to follow with the next block, if needed. When perfected, it hones your defensive skills to a great extent.
Ball in Play
The following will help you to keep the ball in play for a long time. Here's how to do it. Ask your buddy to stand on the other side of the net. Toss the ball and start passing it to each other. If you cannot get to the ball in time, bump it for yourself and then set it across the net. Does it feel like a duel? Yes, it does. The aim is to hone your skills in sending the ball to the other side of the net with accuracy.
Serving the Ball
You and your buddy should stand on the baselines of the court, across the net, and facing each other. The idea is to serve the ball to each other. Initially, you can start serving from inside the baseline, which will bring you close to net. As both of you get comfortable in serving to the other side of the net, start moving to the baseline. After that, start serving from behind the baseline with the other player occupying different spots on the court.
Many people know about the game but very few take the pains to learn it. The aforementioned drills are easy to follow and are a must to perfect your skills. Their basic purpose is to synchronize your hand-eye-and-body coordination and enhance your skills to place the volleyball at the selected spot.