Amongst the first things that you need to know when learning to play volleyball is how to serve. Here's something that will help you in your quest.

Volleyball is a team sport, and the aim of this game is to ground the ball in the opponent's court. Just like in tennis, in volleyball too the way a serve is delivered can turn the fortunes of a team. There are two ways in which you can serve in this game. One is the underhand method and the other is the overhand way.
Serving Underhand
- Start with putting either your left foot or right foot forward. Bend your knees slightly.
- Place the palm of your left hand under the ball, holding it in front of you.
- Meanwhile, keep your right hand open and not in a fist.
- Now drop your right hand as it would be normally and follow it by getting it back slightly beyond your hips.
- The real thing comes next. Swing your arm forward, it should be under the ball. The mantra is to hit the ball using the heel of your hand, not the palm.
- Step into the swing with either of the foot, but avoid stepping over the line while doing this.
- After making contact with the ball, let the swing of your arm continue, that will be your follow-through.
- Finally, bring your right hand over your left shoulder.
Serving Overhand
- Place your left foot ahead of your right foot, and the distance between your feet should be one shoulder-width.
- Align your shoulder and hips with the net.
- Without bending your arms, place them straight in front.
- The bottom of the ball has to be held with the palm of your left hand, and the top with your right palm. Remember that the elbows and arms should not be in contact with any other part of the body.
- Raise you serving arm, in this case the right arm, next to your head. Your elbow should point upwards.
- The next thing you have to do is toss the ball in the air using the palm of your left hand. You are not supposed to use four fingers.
- The ball should go about 2 to 3 feet in the air. Once it is mid air, with your left foot, step forward.
- After you step forward, hit the bottom of the ball with your right palm, with a straight wrist and stiff hand.
- The ball should be hit at the highest point, after you throw it in the air.
- It is better not to hit the ball on its way down. For that, take care that you do not throw the ball too high!
- Once you strike the ball, run back to your position on the court.
- Remember these 4 words―toss, step, hit, and follow-through, to serve a volleyball overhand.
This might seem easy to read, but there is a fair chance that if you are just starting off, you may not be able to get it right immediately. There is no need to be disappointed. Remember, practice makes a man perfect.