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Tips for Playing Soccer

2016/7/27 15:55:04

It is not surprising that everyone is so interested in soccer because of its popularity around the world. In order to be a better player or spectator, you should learn all you can. Go over this article if you are curious about soccer and want to learn how you can become a better player.

Ask yourself what you can do to help your team. If you are one of the most skilled players on the field, take the lead and act as a play maker. If other players are more skilled and experienced than you, you can be a lot more useful by supporting them.

To help with your short passing skills you want to kick the ball off the inside part of your foot, this gives you the best accuracy. If you're passing a long distance, you have to kick the ball with your foot's front, near the laces. This approach on kicking will help you increase the distance you can kick the ball down field.

Learn the move called "Outside Elastico." It is great for when you are positioned on the flanks and need to cut inside. You will need something to represent your opponent's position like a cone. Your starting position should be about five paces behind the marker. Start dribbling towards it. Whenever you get close to the cone, do an outside touch and then quickly do an inside touch. That outside touch will fool opponents. The second touch should be bigger than the first one.

To keep the other team guessing, cross the ball in exactly the same pattern for a few plays. Your opponent will notice this quickly and expect it. However, you will then throw them off by passing to the opposite direction.

Get some strategies in place by working with your team. They should be aware of all of the moves you plan to make. Running drills in practice will help you to maximize your impact on the soccer field.

Wherever you are on the field, try to maintain perspective in regards to the entire field. Knowing where your teammates are will help you pass the ball quickly and keep your opponents confused. It is not necessary to follow the ball too closely to stay in the game. You are more likely to get a pass when you are in a relatively open space on the field.

Soccer is arguably the most popular sport in the world. In spite of that fact, the sport is not completely understood nor easy to master. Hopefully the tips described have helped you realize how you can reap the healthy benefits and enjoyment of the game.

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