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Nike Hiking Boots: How to Make Sure That Your Boots Fit Well

Many of us shop for Nike hiking boots in a hurry. Since we are so pressed for time, we just take things for granted and pick up the first pair of Nike hiking bo


Looking for Closeout Hiking Boots?

If you are planning on a long hike on rocky trails, you are going to need a decent pair of hiking boots. Hold on a second. Let’s amend that statement slightly


Some Advice Before You Take Your Hiking Trip in France

If you plan on taking a hiking trip in France then there are a few things you are going to want to remember before you get on a plane and head out to Europe. A


Take an Affordable Hike With Discount Hiking Boots

Hiking is a great outdoor sporting activity and just like any sport requires a few essential items such as hiking boots. However, many of these boots come with


Colorado Hiking Trails: Where to Go When You Want to Relax and Commune With Nature

If you are sick and tired of all the hustle and bustle of the city, you may want to visit some of the scenic and peaceful hiking trail in Colorado. There are pl


What is Trekking?

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship enterprise. Oh wait, that is not the kind of trekking I am talking about. The trekking I am


Knowing Wilderness First Aid Can Save Lives in the Wild

Those planning to spend anytime in the outdoors should consider the needs for safety while hiking on unfamiliar trails. There is a great deal of difference in h


Lost in the Wilderness (Never Ask Bigfoot for Directions)

Well now you have done it, haven’t you? You went and got yourself lost in the wilderness and now that you are lost in the wilderness you are reading this for


Hiking Equipment: a Lot to Choose From

All of the things that you need to take with you on your outdoor activities will make up your hiking equipment list which however may not include equipment for


The Proper Hiking Gear Will Assure Your Safety and Comfort

Hiking gear encompasses each and every item that is essential for undertaking hiking activities and it includes a number of things that you just cannot do witho


Residing at a Wilderness Lodge

Spending time in the outdoors can be a lot of fun and this is why many wilderness hobbies are popular. While there are people who love to “rough it” in the


Wilderness Training—A Great Way to Get Prepared!

Are you an avid outdoorsman? Perhaps you enjoy hiking, fishing, or camping—or maybe you like all of these activities. If this is the case, wilderness traini


Understanding Wilderness Medicine as a Career

While outdoor rescues are commonly reported in the news, very little attention is given to the skills in wilderness medicine that are required in order to make


For the Perfect Hiking Experience, You Need to Find a Superior Hiking Trail!

You want to start hiking, but the idea of being out in nature and not getting to enjoy it because of a cluttered hiking trail is starting to make you consider n


Wilderness First Aid Kits Should Provide Maximum Help

When heading out for a hike through the wilderness, first aid kits should be examined to make sure they have everything you might need in the wild. Most hikers


Getting the Right Kids Hiking Boots

Little feet have special needs and when you set out to get kids hiking boots you should be looking for features that offer special protection to the smaller fee


Closeout Hiking Boots: Get Top Rated Brands at Rock Bottom Prices

Not so long ago, it was easy to pick your hiking boots and all that you needed were a pair of off-road runners, or sticky soled approach shoes that would suffic


Make Sure to Pack Your Wilderness Survival Gear

Way too often you hear about hikers and campers that head out into the wilderness and they neglect to pack the proper wilderness survival gear believing that ge


Hiking the Grand Canyon a Grand Adventure

Thinking about hiking The Grand Canyon? Well, you’re not the only one. There are a huge pile of resources specifically for anyone who wants to plan and surv


Zipoff Hiking Pants Help You in All Kind of Weather Conditions

There are certainly plenty of zipoff hiking pants that you can choose from though they all must be versatile so that you can use them for different activities i

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