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Woods Or Irons? Or Both? Get The Right Type Of Golf Clubs!

The basic golf equipment that a golfer needs includes a good set of golf clubs. You could say that these 14 sticks are the most important things in your golf bag. It's the basic set of golf equipment that every golfer needs. To start with, there are two types of golf clubs - the woods and the irons. Their names suggest their distinct characteristics and they cannot be used interchangeably.

When they were first created, wood golf clubs were actually made out of wood. Recently though, it's been modified and steel is now used for the club head. Woods are generally used to achieve more distant hits starting with the drive (the starting shot of every hole).

Irons look very different from woods. So it's really easy to tell the two different types of clubs apart. They have smaller heads, are made out of steel and are designed for short-distanced shots. They are also shorter and more often than not easier to use than woods.

A good golf player doesn't stick to one type of golf club. Instead, you will want to use different clubs to achieve different desired height, distance and ball placement. For example, when you're taking your first shot through the fairway, you should pull out your 1 wood (also known as the driver). The number 2 to 4 wood can then be used for long, low shots on the fairway and the 5 to 9 woods are used to hit higher and shorter shots.

For irons, you will have a selection from the 1 iron to the 9 iron. Each number refers to the angle of the clubface and the length of the club. The average golfer will stick to the 4 iron and below. Unless you're a professional, there is no point wasting money on the 1 to 3 irons. They're too difficult to use and for the results that they can produce, you're much better off spending your money on other golf equipment.

Buying a good set of golf clubs has been known to cost a fair bit. In fact, out of all the different types of golf equipment, golf clubs may be the most expensive of them all. However, there is a solution and a way of getting cheaper golf clubs. If you're new at the game, a set of second-hand or used golf clubs can serve you well until you get use to the game. If you decide that you like playing golf, then you can consider buying a brand new set of golf clubs.

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