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Tips On How To Select The Best Golf Ball

2016/7/20 16:15:59

It's amazing how many golfers spend lots of money and time on choosing their golf clubs very carefully, and then just grab any old set of golf balls that are available when they play. What they are not realizing is that choosing the right golf ball is just as important as choosing the right clubs, and it is not a decision that should be made because of an ad that was seen on TV or because a friend uses a particular brand of golf ball.

The manufacture of golf balls has improved dramatically over the years, and today there are more choices to be made than ever. But the good news is that essentially there are only three major types of golf balls to be concerned with, no matter what the ads for each individual brand may claim.

The first type of golf ball is called the two-piece ball, and these golf balls are specifically designed for providing as much distance as possible. They also very difficult to cut because of their hard outer shell that is usually made from a very tough material like Surlyn. The core of the ball is also made from very hard material to also enhance distance capabilities. The only drawback that two-piece golf balls usually have is that they produce less spin, and therefore less control.

The next type of golf ball is called the three-piece ball, and they are pretty much the exact opposite of the two-piece ball in that instead of being designed primarily for distance, their main function is to help impart more spin, allowing the golfer better control over their shotmaking. This is accomplished by having a relatively soft outer cover, usually Balata, and a solid core that is wrapped with a third layer of material in between. This design helps the golfer have more feel in each shot, but these balls are also easier to cut and destroy.

The third kind of golf ball is often referred to as an all-purpose golf ball. These try to bridge the gap between the two-piece ball and the three-piece ball. The result is that over all they can provide a good compromise between distance and feel, while also being durable as well. It has to be said that they are not outstanding in any particular area, but they are a good all around compromise.

With this information in mind, which golf ball should you choose then? The answer to that question most likely will depend on your skill level and how you choose to play the game. Generally speaking, most newer players should try to stick with the two-piece ball when they first start out because of its exceptional durability and added distance.

As you gain in skill and ability at the game, the use of either a three-piece golf ball or an all-purpose ball can be a good choice as you should have improved your swing to the point where you can make the most use of the spin features that these golf balls offer without sacrificing too much distance.

As you can see then, knowing a little bit about how golf balls are made and constructed can help you choose the right ball for your particular golf game. And using the right equipment, including the right golf ball, can help you play the game better and shoot lower scores.

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