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Keeping Your Cool On The Golf Course This Summer

2016/7/20 16:13:46

Golf is a typically fair weather sport, you will often hear the more dedicated golfers complaining that the courses are always clogged up with �those fair weather golfers� but even they will be first to admit that playing golf in the rain and wind isn’t their idea of a great day out. So as summer fast approaches you will probably begin to notice more and more people out enjoying a round of golf and the fresh air whilst they’re at it.

The sunny weather can be great for golf conditions as the grass won’t be wet reducing the bounce and roll of our ball meaning we can look forward to some slightly longer tee shots, but much like this can help good shots it can also exaggerate poor shots. As with many poor shots this will no doubt frustrate you but with the sun beating down on you as well this could be all that is needed to cause you to lose your temper or begin taking wild and erratic shots.

When playing golf in the heat you should take a few measures to ensure you keep cool both psychologically as well as physically. Obviously playing golf you are walking around in the sun and so will be exposed to the sun a lot (depending on how quickly you can get round the course), you should make sure you wear adequate sun protection in the form of sun cream and preferably a hat or golf visor if you want to look like the pros.

Another important item to have in the golf bag is a drink of water or anything else as long as it is cold and refreshing. You may not notice it but you put a lot of physical effort in during a game of golf and so that teamed with the sun and the heat can leave you open to dehydration.

As you play in the heat you may find your hands getting sweaty which could affect your grip of the club, at best it may cause the club to move in your hand but at worst you could let go of the club causing it to fly off and potentially hurt someone. You can help keep your hands dry by either using talc on your hands, wiping them down on a golf towel or using your golf glove to help keep a firm grip of the club without posing any dangers to other players on the course, vehicles or any passing birds.

So try to keep yourself cool and don’t allow the heat to affect your golf game negatively and most importantly enjoy yourself!

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