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Proper Preparation For A Game Of Golf

2016/7/20 16:13:43

It is important before any competitive sport that we warm up and properly prepare for the game ahead as failure to do so could mean we could injure ourselves or any other inconvenience. Golf is a prime example of this as despite the majority of the time you are essentially doing nothing more strenuous than walking, the fact that you are taking a golf swing at intermittent times during this can be a shock to the system for your body and this is how injuries can occur.

So how can you avoid common injuries such as pulled muscles? It is simple really, you do warm up exercises. By stretching your muscles and joints prior to a game of golf you are putting your body into the right mode for doing sports and strenuous activities, as you stretch your muscles you are going to be using during the game of golf your body gets the signal that it should be prepared and so you are less likely to get injured.

The key part for this is to know which muscles to limber up and whilst you may think that in golf all that you’ll need is your arm muscles in fact there are many other muscle groups that will be used, particularly your legs and your stomach and back too. During a golf swing you not only swing your arms but you also rotate and twist your body back and forth through the swinging motion.

So as well as stretching your arms you should ensure your waist and stomach muscles are primed by turning with your feet planted as far as you can go to the right and likewise with turning to the left also. By doing this your waist is loosened up making sure that you are able to make a smooth and unrestricted motion during your golf swing.

Your legs also require preparation as when you make your swinging motion your weight will transfer from your trailing leg to your leading leg and as you follow through your swing after hitting the ball you will move your legs to continue the follow through. It is important that golfers follow through their swing after hitting the ball as this can help ensure your ball continues along your planned flight path. Golfers who snatch at their shots and don’t follow through will often result in shots going in a different direction or they could go much shorter distance.

Golf swings are all about a smooth and powerful motion and you will not be able to achieve this if your body isn’t prepared and fully warmed up before taking to the golf tee.

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