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If Your Golf Swing Is Broke Then Fix It

2016/7/20 16:12:57

The golf swing is a miracle of science and a work of art to watch if done correctly. If done incorrectly it can be like watching someone trying to pull a tree out of the ground with their bare hands.

If your game suffers from the slice, the hook, the duff, or the 30 yard drive after swinging the club as hard as you can then you could do with a little advice on repairing your ailing golf swing. Remember that repairing the golf swing takes practice on the driving range and patience on the course. It also means focusing on what you are doing in order to improve.

If you love golf then you know there is nothing like watching that ball leave your club straight down the middle of the fairway. Here are some tips to get there.

One of the most over used phrases in golf teaching is to keep your head down. However that little over used piece of advice is probably almost 75% of the problem for many golfers. Everyone wants to see the ball fly and that is more than likely the reason that the ball never leaves the tee box.

By keeping your head down you allow yourself to keep your eye on the ball which is another over used, but extremely useful, golf teaching phrase. You are more apt to make proper contact with your club on the ball if you keep your head down and your eye on the ball. To understand why this is important you can try this little exercise. Take a baseball and a baseball bat. Now throw the ball way high in the air and then instead of watching it come down look to where you want to hit the baseball.

Now hit the baseball. More often than not you will miss the ball and when you do make contact the ball will not go where you want it to. That is why it is important to keep your head down and your eye on the ball.

Keeping your head down also has another positive side effect. One of the more common swing problems golfers have is that when they try and make contact with the ball they hit over the top of the ball and drive it into the ground five feet away. This is because they are pulling their head up as they come to make contact with the ball. When you pull your head up you pull your shoulders up, when you pull your shoulders up you pull your golf club up, and when you pull your golf club up you miss the ball or swing over the top of the ball and drive it into the ground.

If you work on keeping your head down then your shoulders stay down on your swing and you will make contact with the ball more often.

Sometimes the oldest and most common advice can be the best advice. In golf the oldest pieces of advice are keep your head down, keep your eye on the ball, and do not swing as hard as you can. Keeping your head down will keep your shoulders and club down on the swing. Keeping your eye on the ball will help to insure that you make good contact every time.

Swinging with control means you will be better able to control where the ball goes after you make contact. That should help you improve your golf swing.

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