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Golf Improvement Exercises, Tips And A Phone Consultation Too?

2016/7/20 16:12:38

Golf improvement exercises are essential if you want to keep up with the competition.

It seems as if many golfer's don't take the time to get the proper exercise that they need. Why do I
say this? Simply by asking questions and observing the obvious. A lot of golfer's are lazy. This is
not meant to take away from those serious individuals that do care about their golf fitness.

Golf has become an increasingly popular sport over the past few years. You now see individuals
that are young and old on the golf course these days. Getting "away from it all" for some
is heading to the golf course.

Golf, like any sport, is a physical activity so you must stretch well before playing It's
important that you try to stay fit by maintaining a good workout regimine. However, unlike
many "gym rats" that like to hang out at the local fitness centers and get buffed up by
lifting weights, your goal is different and there are some exercises that can actually do
you more harm than good. Read on

First Things First

Give yourself a good head to toe stretch before you start your work out. This is important
so that you don't risk hurting yourself.

When stretching you should stretch as if you were swinging a club. Imitate the motions and
follow through all the way until you feel slight discomfort and hold it for 5-7 seconds, but
DO NOT bounce. Don't bounce as it can hurt your muscles Do two repetitions of each stretch
and then reverse direction in order to achieve a full body benefit.

You must stretch at least ten minutes before and after your workout. This will help to prevent
soreness and muscle cramping. Don't overdo it! There's nothing more discouraging than hurting
yourself when starting a workout routine. Go at your own pace. Remember that your body is
different than others and you need to build your workouts at your own pace. Remember that the
competition will win every time when you're hurt.

You might consider scheduling coaching sessions. Your trainer will be able to give you specific
exercises to do and will also help you to map out different workout routines. Mixing up the
types of exercises you're doing is important to prevent boredom. After all, golf workout mentor
will get you on the right track.

How would you feel about a free consultation with one of the top golf fitness trainers in the
country if he was willing to skip his $150.00 an hour fee? Read on.

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