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Perfecting Your Swing On The Green

2016/7/20 16:12:07

Golf is one of the most relaxing sports in the world, but it can also be one of the most difficult to learn and perfect. There are so many pros out there on the circuit today who make it all look so easy, but then you actually pick up a club and try to hit the ball, you discover it is much harder than you had thought originally. Everyone would love to be able to have a private instructor teach them everything they know, but that is just not possible. There are a few things and steps you can follow though to raise your skill level and help you perfect that swing on the green.

The first thing that you must pay very close attention to is your grip on the club; this is directly related to how far you will hit the ball. There are three different grips that you have to choose from: the overlapping grip, the baseball grip and the interlocking grip. Each one of these grips will help you with your swing; the main thing is to choose the one that is most comfortable for you. If your hands are not comfortable in the club, then your swing will be off and force your ball in a direction you do not want it to go in.

The next thing to spend some time focusing on is your stance; an athletic golf stance and swing setup is the launching pad for your entire swing. If you start with a bad stance, you will most likely follow that with a bad back swing, a bad downswing, and a bad follow through. Since these are the fundamentals of your swing it is imperative to take the time to fix it, but do not worry because it is possible to fix. It is okay if your stance is not perfect; you can make up for this by making sure that you stay balanced and relaxed. Be sure to equally distribute your weight over your left and right leg. The way to test this is if you can pick either of your feet off the ground, then you are not balanced and need to readjust.

There are two components to the actual golf swing; the back swing and the down swing. The main thing you want to think about with your back swing is just putting the club behind your head; do not worry about your arms or anything else. The down swing is when you think about the focusing on the ball, making central contact and following through. If you do not follow through, the ball will not go very far. These are the fundamental steps to follow for creating a perfect swing; practice and impress next time you are on the course.

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