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Fix Your Golf Driving

2016/7/20 16:10:40

One of the most common mental errors golfers make when driving the ball is to try and hit it as hard as possible. This article will deal with golf driving tips to help you correct this problem that is hampering many golfers and greatly hindering them from making any progress.

How to fix a golf slice is the first of a series of golf tips on driving. All golfers have slice problems at some time in their golfing life, even Tiger Woods, because the rotational movement of the golf swing is unnatural to human physiology, and a slice with Cheap Golf Clubs is a natural result unless you have developed good swing mechanics that enable you to control your clubface at impact. It should be noted that the following golf tips on driving and how to fix a golf slice are offered for right-handed golfers. Left-handers should reverse the sides as normal.

Secondly and even more important there is the variable of your body. Trying to hit the ball as hard as possible will usually result in a tense and inefficient physical swing. And in most cases the results are the direct opposite of what you desire. One of the chief reasons for this is that many golfers are not physically prepared and their muscles are flabby, tense and weak. The poor results are therefore inevitable.

The location and height of the ball on the tee makes a big difference. Believe it or not, having your golf ball teed up too high or too low can affect the flight of the ball. The same thing goes for having the ball too far back or too far forward in your stance. When setting up in your stance, the golf ball should be centered on the clubface of taylor made burner 2.0 irons from top to bottom and left to right. On every driver I have seen there is some type of marker that outlines the sweet spot of the clubface.

When you hit the ball, your stance should be pointing straight to the target and your clubface square to a line between the ball and that target. If the clubface is open when it strikes the ball, with the toe further back than the heel from the direction of travel, then it will impart a clockwise spin to the ball that causes the slice. That's because there is more air pressure on the side of a spinning ball that is moving in the direction of travel - the left side with a clockwise spin - and so the ball is gradually pushed right.

A fundamental cure can only be achieved by improving your swing mechanics and stance, but the following golf tips on driving are intended to help you fix a golf slice with Katana SNIPER Hi 4WD Driver using some temporary adjustments until you can get your swing sorted out properly. It is not just when driving that you can slice of course, but given that your ball can land 60 - 70 feet right of target with just a 2 degree angle of your clubface from square over a 300 yard drive, you don't want to be slicing when driving.

All golf tips on driving will emphasize the importance of swing mechanics and taking control of this essentially unnatural rotational movement for a human being. If you learn how to control your swing, and how to give your golf club time to close and to become absolutely square to the ball and the target at the moment of impact, then that's how to fix a golf slice, with the other tips above your golf driving game should be on or back on target in no time.

More information: http://www.searchgolfclub.com

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