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Lower Golf Handicap - Discover Some Tips To Help You Shoot Lower Golf Scores

2016/7/20 16:09:15

Golf is a tough game to master and you need all the help you can get to learn how to lower your handicap. It is possible to reduce your golf scores but there is no magic shortcut. You will need to put the time and effort in to practice and learn the skills necessary to play better. Here are a few tips to help you along the way.

Tip 1: Focus on the short game

The short game is most likely the best way for you to be able to take strokes off your scorecard very quickly. Spend more time hitting wedge shots from 120 yards and in and also spend more time around the greens chipping and hitting bunker shots.

These shots can really add up very quickly so if you can master them then you will well on your way to shooting lower scores. When it comes to putting you want to spend a little time working on mechanics and then hit a lot of short putts.

Short putts are great to practice because you will make a lot of them which means that it will also boost your confidence levels. Confidence is a key factor to great putting so make sure that you are always thinking positively about your putting and your golf game in general.

When you are putting always try to make the putt and never lay up short of the hole. See the putt dying into the hole in your mind before you strike the ball. This will ensure that even if you miss your ball will still end up much closer to the hole.

Tip 2: Practice regularly

I know we are all busy with all the other aspects of our lives so getting enough practice can be difficult. It is not necessary to spend hours and hours practicing but rather hit a few balls, chip and putt at least 3 to 5 times a week to learn the game. Each practice session may take an hour total which is not that much time but it is important to be consistent and do it regularly.

Tip 3: Exercise

While golf is not the most physical sport on the planet it still does require a good level of fitness. If you are trying to become a professional player then being strong is a must which is why it is often a good idea to take part is some sort of weight training program.

You want to focus on exercises that strengthen the wrists and the core muscles like the abdominals. Doing wrist curls is a great way to build your wrist muscles and crunches can help to build your abdominal strength.

Tip 4: Master course management

Many golfers throw away a lot of shots during their rounds because they do not do a very good job of managing their game on the course. They will take very risky shots or pick the wrong clubs for a particular shot.

It is far better to be a little conservative and not go for the big shot especially if you are a high handicap player. You need to look at the hazards around the course and you also need to take a look at your game and hit the shots that give you the greatest chance of shooting a low score on that hole.

Sometimes laying up short even on a par 4 hole may be the best idea because you can then rely on good chipping and putting to put the ball in the hole. This is why working on short shots during practice is important because it gives you the ability to be a little conservative and not always go for the pin. Perhaps the most important key to lowering your golfing handicap is to be consistent so keep at it and maintain good practice habits.

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