Using Video to analyze and improve your golf swing is the essence of being a serious student of the game. Attempting to tackle the golf swing without taking advantage of video technology is a tremendous handicap. In fact, there's no question in my mind that one of the main reasons we're seeing so many young superstars in golf today is the use of video analysis. The ability to actually see what's happening, and not having to rely on feel, accelerates the learning process immeasurably. Video not only holds the instructor partially accountable for the student's progress, but also puts more responsibility on the student to actually practice and attempt to improve his or her technique. To borrow a saying from Homer Kelly (author of The Golfing Machine), it's the blind struggle versus the guided one.
The only real tools you'll need to successfully videotape your golf swing are a tripod and a camera. VHS cameras work well, as do digital cameras. Of course, digital cameras give you the added benefit of allowing for computer-aided analysis, but that's not absolutely necessary. As long as your camera has a high-speed shutter setting, 1__ã2000 sec. or the like, you'll be fine._Ê
To begin, set the camera at a height slightly above your navel and prepare to shoot yourself from the down-the-line angle. To properly position the camera, take a comfortable setup; then, lay a club on the ground facing the target and along the line your hands will travel during the swing (perpendicular to your feet). Walk approximately six paces behind you and aim the camera so the club is basically in the middle of the frame when you look through the viewfinder. This position will give you a solid view of the golf swing. _Ê Things To Look For: In preparation for analysis, you need to create a template on your TV screen using a dry-erase pen. It's easy, and all you really need are three lines (for a down-the-line view), one vertical line from the top of the buttocks to the ground, one short vertical line just in front of the knees, and one line tracing the shaft of the club, running from the golf ball through the body and beyond (see photo, bottom right).
Once you have this template, you're ready to begin. The seven positions you'll want to monitor are setup, takeaway, halfway back, the top, delivery, impact and release. These positions represent critical parts of the golf swing and should be worked on regularly if you're serious about improving.
Down-Target View _Ê
Face-On View
Address: In the face-on view, the vertical line on the left of the screen runs from the right shoulder to the ground, while the vertical line on the right side of the screen runs through both the left shoulder and the left leg. This illustrates the proper spine tilt, which will allow the shoulders to rotate on the proper plane. Notice that a line drawn straight up from the ball runs through the emblem on the shirt– this indicates the proper ball position for an iron. The shaft should be perpendicular to the ground.
Takeaway: As the body moves the arms and the arms move the club, the head should also begin to move away from the target, as indicated by some lateral motion in the template circle. At the same time, the hips haven't moved laterally and the right hip is staying inside the template line. There's no one part of the body taking control of the takeaway; it's a quiet motion powered by the proper pivot of the body. There should be no noticeable dragging of the club or excessive hinging of the wrists. The legs should act as a foundation. _Ê
Halfway Back: The head has moved laterally in the circle and the right hip should now be inside the template line. This creates the proper movement of weight away from the target with the upper body, while creating the necessary room for the arms to work correctly as a result of the hip turn. The right forearm should still be seen above the left while the right shoulder moves behind the head. This shows the hands and arms have been passive in the takeaway, helping to get the club up on-plane while the shoulders continue to turn.
At The Top: There's a noticeable space between where the right hip began and where it is at the top of the backswing. The head also has maintained its lateral drift at the top. These changes are critical to making a proper turn with the hips while moving the weight away from the target with the upper body. The clubshaft is still short of parallel to the ground, with the hands well away from the head, a sign of great width in the backswing. There's still space between the knees, indicating a quiet and stable lower body.
Delivery: The left shoulder has now returned to its original location from setup as the upper body moves toward the target. The head also has begun to shift and is almost all the way back to its original position. The right hip has created even more space than it had at the top from its original line. A strong angle is still present between the left arm and clubshaft, illustrating stored energy. (Be careful not to create too sharp an angle here, as it will affect your accuracy.) Also, the body should be in a solid, stacked position.
Impact: The head is just slightly behind its original position while the left shoulder is now closer to the target. This moves the hands directly under the left shoulder, creating a straight line between the left shoulder, arm and clubshaft at impact. Notice how the right hip is much closer to the target at impact than at setup. Moving the body into the correct position at impact puts the bottom of the swing slightly in front of the ball. This creates consistent contact between the club, ball and ground at impact.
Release: The chest begins to pass the line originally occupied by the left shoulder while the head begins to move toward the target. This shows that the body is relaxed and the momentum of the club passing the body is pulling the body through to the finish. The body remains stacked up, with the right side of the torso from the shoulder to the knee still perpendicular to the ground. This eliminates any tendency to create a reverse C and cause possible injury to the back.
PGA Professional and Golf Tips_¨ Senior Instruction Editor Brady Riggs is the Director of Instruction at Woodley Lakes Golf Course in Van Nuys, Calif.
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