Having trouble with your golf swing? If so, this article will help. This
article offers a few good, solid tips to get you on track and get that
swing into shape.
If you suffer from a bad golf swing, there are some simple things you
can do to improve it. When you hit the ball and it flies off in a random
direction, the problem could be your swing or it might be something
else like grip or address position. Let's look at some common mistakes
golfers make and how they can be easily corrected.
It's All About Set-Up
In golf, it's not the swing that's all important - it's the set-up. How
your body is positioned before you make the swing is really what puts
your ball there. You've really got to take some time and work on this,
and always pay attention to it when you're playing. Here are a few
pointers on fixing your address position:
- Work On Grip. Find your neutral grip. This should be the position
where your hands hang naturally. Don't twist things around and grip it
in an unnatural way.
- Consistency. You should have the exact same set-up every time. Work on it and perfect it so that it's completely the same.
- Stay Relaxed. If your movements are stiff and jerky, the ball will go
wherever it wants. In order to have perfect control over your swing,
keep yourself relaxed and flexible.
- Stretch. Always stretch before you start. Posture and flexibility are key components to a successful golf swing.
Are You Winging It?
Watch out for the dreaded chicken wing! The chicken wing is when your
arm and wrist go limp right after you make contact with the putter. It
gets its silly name from the way your arm flies up in the air, looking
like a chicken wing. If you're getting the chicken wing, your swing is
losing all of its power to drive the ball home.
There are lots of ways to fix a chicken wing, but the main one is to
make sure you're swinging through. Your body should be coiled back
before the swing with all of your energy bound up; then, release that
energy and transfer it to the ball. The chicken wing is most often
caused by the golfer putting on the brakes right when they're about to
make contact.
Work On Your Mental Game
Finally, work on your mental golf game. All of this "mental game" stuff
is trendy right now, but it's more than just a trend; it's powerful
stuff. Ask any pro golfer what's the most important part of the game and
they'll tell you that it's the golfer's mindset. Spend some time
learning how to get into the zone, breathing right, visualizing your
shot and so on. These are all just as important as anything physical you
do in the game.
Success with your golf swing is all about practice. There's just no way
to make improvements without getting out there and putting. Work some
regular exercises into your daily schedule. There are lots of things you
can do at home, at the office, or anywhere else away from the green
that will help your swing become stronger, straighter and more
Article Tags:
Golf Swing, Chicken Wing