The Answer To Your Golf Problems Could Be Your Head Position
I would be a wealthy man today if i had a dollar for all the times i have heard someone say the well-known words "Your Head Moved during the swing, gotta keep that head down if you want to play good golf" This is not going to help your golf game at all, in fact i would go so far as to say it will wreck your day on the golf course. Keeping your head down is not what you want to hear ... it should be "Keep Your Head Still"
If you keep your head down then your golf game is going to go down, down, down until you are ripping your hair out wondering what you have to do to hit this silly white ball with some consistency. By having your head position down it can lead to problems of tilting for one thing which affects your balance and weight distribution to name but two of the real problems this affliction leads to.
Right, lets get to the heart of the matter as i know you will be wondering what you ought to be doing. The answer to the problem if your main swing thought is to keep your head down is easy enough and is about to be revealed.
The foremost thing you should do is lift your chin up as high as possible while still being able to see the golf ball comfortably, this will create a better posture keeping the back of your head in a straight line with your spine. Doing this will create room for your shoulders to turn correctly on the backswing without knocking your head to one side or causing you to tilt, therefore allowing your head to remain STILL.
You will need to practice as much as possible with this new head position as it will feel awkward to begin with. But in a short space of time your golf game will pick up along with crisper consistent shotmaking. So Let everyone see the smile on your face and get that head up.
Keeping your head down will hinder your golf game, but getting your head up is going to help you keep your head still which is a key ingredient in a good golfer.
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