Golf Swing Training Aid: Power, Distance and Accuracy
Getting a Grip
The number of golf swing training aids on today's market is truly mind-boggling. Most of these focus on the swing as this is the fundamental technique you have to master to play golf well. However, without a good grip and feel for the club, developing your swing will be a non-starter. We're going to take a look at three such aids that promise to improve you grip, eliminate hooks and slices, and so help develop your overall control over your swing.
The Master Groover
The first under the spotlight is the Patent Master Groover Method's Double Guidance aid, which aims to help sensitize you to the feel of your swing so you can adjust your swing to achieve optimal performance. Of course, to achieve such sensitivity requires a lot of practice, but the rewards are high: power, timing, accuracy and an increase in the distance of your drives. Most importantly, it helps you to become consistent on the course.
Touchy Feely Golfing
It is believed that only 2% actually improve their golf swing by using instructional videos, DVDs and books. However, Master Groover guarantees to improve your golf swing permanently provided you put in at least 30 hours of use. This golf swing training aid focuses on your sense of touch, teaching you to develop a feel for your club and your swing. The idea, as the name suggests, is to program your body to get into the groove of producing the optimal swing time and again.
The Thumb Caddy
The second of the golf swing training aids we're going to take a look at is the Thumb Caddy, which is endorsed by Brad Faxon. In spite of its diminutive proportions, Mr Fallon claims this thumb grip does more to develop your game than any other golf swing training aid. The thumb caddy keeps your hands together in the right position on the club right through the golf swing. This should be enough to eliminate hooks and slices. As a result, you will be able to hit straighter and farther, and the extra control you develop will also improve your short game. You get enhanced accuracy and consistency for around $26 plus a lot of training.
The AccuHit
The third golf swing training aid on our list is called the AccuHit. This is a patented grip enhancing device that works on every make of club, including drivers and irons. AccuHit has been designed to slip onto the grip of the golf club and helps modify the clenching pressure of your fingers on the grip helping you develop a steady and firm grip on the golf club. The idea is to free the tension in your forearms and shoulders as well as loosen the wrist on your leading side. This device becomes the resting point of the thumb and index finger. If your thumb and index finger are in the correct position, the amount of unwanted pinching pressure that is exerted on the club can be reduced. In fact, your swing can be ruined by pinching the club too hard with your thumb and index finger.
Establishing your Grip on the Game
All three golf swing training aids on display focus on some detail of your grip to enhance your swing, and as such, they are aimed at the novice golfer who is still building technique from the ground up. It is certainly worth taking a look at all three devices. They are cheap and offer a way into focusing on your grip and swing before you get into bad habits on the open fairways.
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